Registration for the 1st Rhodes Virtual Marathon opens on 15 March
March 19, 2021850 athletes from 33 countries so far in the 1st Rhodes Virtual Marathon
April 9, 2021
Colossus of Rhodes was not just an incomparable piece of art and aesthetic quality. It was built as gratitude to Helios God, protector of the island. It symbolized freedom and independence of Rhodians and was known in history as one of the seven mira-cles of the ancient world.
The statue's technique inspired many artists through the centuries. It's worth noting that the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi at his effort to illustrate with contemporary means the size, the technique as well as the symbolism of the Colossus of Rhodes created the Statue of Liberty which is considered a wonder of modern art.
Thus we selected for the medal and t-shirt of the first Rhodes Virtual Marathon this iconic work of antiquity for all those symbolisms that it reflects which are now rele-vant more than ever, wishing that with the help of our runners it will send through-out the world the light of hope!
We therefore dedicate this first Rhodes Virtual Marathon to the Colossus of Rhodes,
Every runner that picks the advanced package will get the collective medal that will be exclusively printed for Rhodes Virtual Marathon. They will also get the virtual marathon t-shirts with the print of colossus
The virtual race will take place from Friday 9th of April until Sunday 9th of May and will include Marathon, Half Marathon and 10km, 5km and 2km. races.
Registrations opened on Monday 15th of March and will be completed on Wednesday 5th of May.
You can upload your time from Friday 9th of April until Sunday 9th of May.
You can download Sporthive Live application either through Android or Ios and select our race Rhodes Virtual MarathonRegister by clicking the Sign Up button and select one of the following packages
The normal package includes:
- Participation to the virtual race and the results
- Electronic certificate of participation
Cost: Free
The advanced package includes:
- Participation to the virtual race and the results
- Electronic certificate of participation
- Sending of a participation package (race medal, technical t-shirt and personal bib number). Participation packages will be sent after the end of the race.
10€ including postage fees in Greece
20€ including postage fees for abroad
You have the opportunity, with one single registration, to run as many times as you want the distance and improve your performance during the duration of the race.
Social contribution
Part of the race proceeds will be donated to Rhodes General Hospital in order to cover needs related to the corona virus pandemic. The Organizing Committee of the International Rhodes Marathon supports the campaign for the limitation of Covid-19 cases, by supporting the efforts taken for this purpose by the General Hospital of Rhodes.