Τρέξε στο Μαραθώνιο Ρόδου και συγκέντρωσε βαθμούς για το AbbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Championships
28 Φεβρουαρίου, 2020Γίνε εθελοντής στον 7o Διεθνή Μαραθώνιο Δρόμο Ρόδου!
5 Μαρτίου, 2020Roads to Rhodes Marathon 2020 has been confirmed as a qualifying race for the Abbott World Marathon Majors Wanda Age Group World Championships in 2021.
The International Roads to Rhodes Marathon is now an official member of the Elite of the Marathon Games that make up the Abbott World Marathon Majors Wanda Age Group World Ranking Qualifying Series, the world’s first age-appropriate marathon ranking system.
The Rhodes Marathon taking place on May 3 2020 will be the only race in Greece that is a member of this global elite race offering points to runners for world rankings and participation in the 2021 finals!
Participants in the Abbott WMM Wanda Age Group World Ranking Qualifying Series, such as the Rhodes Marathon, will earn points according to their age, time and gender, based on the following age groups for men and women: 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+.
Based on this ranking, the top runners from around the world will qualify for the second Abbott WMM Wanda Age Group World Championships, which will take place in 2021. The run began on September 30 2019 and will end on October 11 2020.
The geographic spread of selected marathon races that form part of the Abbott WMM Wanda Age Group World Rankings creates a global event, giving racers around the world the opportunity to be part of the new marathon era.
Thus, the 7th Rhodes Marathon, which will take place on May 3 2020, will, besides all the other benefits, offer many points to runners aged 40 and over to qualify for the World Finals.