Ενας μήνας για το Μαραθώνιο της Ρόδου που θα είναι ο καλύτερος!
27 Μαρτίου, 2018Ειδική προσφορά του Μαραθωνίου της Ρόδου στα σωματεία της Δωδεκανήσου
5 Απριλίου, 2018In efforts to connect major sports events with Greek tourism and extend the season, Tourism Minister Elena Kountoura and executives of the Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO) and the South Aegean Region will “Run for Tourism” during the 5th International “Roads to Rhodes” Marathon.
Set to take place on April 29 on the island of Rhodes, the mega sporting event will include 10km, 5km and 1,000m runs. As in the case of the 35th “Athens Marathon. The Authentic”, Elena Kountoura and the running team will participate under the message Run for Tourism.
“The International Rhodes Marathon promotes Greece and its beauty globally, contributes to the increase of tourism flows to the country, extends the tourism season, promotes Rhodes and the South Aegean region and benefits the economy and local community,” Kountoura said in an announcement.
The “Roads to Rhodes” Marathon is organized by the South Aegean Region and the Hellenic Athletics Federation (SEGAS) EAS Dodecanese branch, with the support of the Rhodes Municipality and the Rhodes Hoteliers Association, under the auspices of GNTO.
“It is a leading sports event… taking place in one of the most beautiful islands in Greece,” said South Aegean Deputy Regional Governor for Tourism Marietta Papavasiliou. “It also enhances the destination’s fame and attracts athletes and visitors from all over the world… By joining forces we can achieve many things,” she added and called on the representatives of local tourism bodies to join the team and “Run for Tourism”!